June 28, 2008

~Scrumptious Salad~

Here's Hannah & I at church, tired, but having a joyful day!
I've been thinking lately about how we can get so affected sometimes by things, people, commercials, what's happening around us, whatever, & yeild to the temptation to put into our bodies things that were never created for food, things that we know harm, not heal us, & so easily set aside the things we've learned, & know with every fiber of our being, things like raw, whole foods are the best fuel for our bodies!
I watch the summer things happening in everyone around me, the "It's hot, I need ice cream!" or "I'm thirsty, water's boring, I want a POP!" & when I mention alternatives that will not only cool them off but make them feel better, it's almost like it's too simple, too bland for their taste buds...that a TREAT should involve sugar, chemicals, JUNK that is the 'forbidden' foods, & 'all things in moderation' becomes "I want it every day!"
I see how, when I've yeilded to this myself, I've taught my daughter to give in to her fleshly cravings, rather than resist & find a healthy alternative to what she's craving....it convicts me, & I don't want to ever teach her these things again. We're back to discovering how totally incredible sweet, juicy fruit is, making meals of mangoes, filling up from our exploding rasberry bushes, feasting on veggies & dip, making smoothies daily again!
I've just committed to 30 straight days of raw, starting July 1st, at Raw Food Talk, but I'm pretty much starting now, I'm already at about 80% again, & the more raw I eat just that, the more I want!
We had an incredible salad tonight, & we both marvelled at how wonderfully satisfied we were afterwards, & that we were too full to even eat the steamed veggies I also made (cuz she often wants cooked, too, not 'just veggies' for dinner...) It was so clear to me, by how much better I felt after eating it than after other things I've been eating lately, that my body is needing nothing but the real stuff! It's time, once again, to dive in head first!!!
And my computer AND camera is fixed, & soon, I'll be posting my first video, & yes, my before pics I've been promising for ages!
Hope you're all having wonderful adventures in your lives, your gardens, your daily walk toward wholeness, truth, & total joy!
God is good....ALL the time!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder to not just reach for the "easy" things, but to work for what is best, whether it's food related or not.
I also really enjoyed the pics you posted. You and Hannah are both so beautiful!

~Anastazia~ said...

Hi, Leah~
I love the way you so simply sum up what I'm tryin' to say! Sometimes I'm just too verbose for my own good!
Thanks for the compliments, it's been a long time sinse I've felt even remotely close to beautiful...but I know that the longer I'm raw, the healthier I'll get, & the more my light'll shine, in every way!