Things are subtly beginning to change, & I can feel the improvements coming by the day! Whenever I've been raw, then go back to SAD food, I can handle it less & less, & the side affects are worse each time...but each time I go raw, I'm more aware of my body, more sensitive to it's benefits & blessings, & seem to start healing quicker each time...which is making it easier to stay raw this time without yeilding to temptations! (except *sigh* chick peas & salad dressing!)
For example, the IBS symptoms I've had on & off for years now (comes with the fibromyalgia) were getting very painful the last few months, but already, after just days of nearly 100%, it's almost completely settled down!
My skin already seems clearer, too, & the rosacea is settling down, & I think the tiny little red veins that were in my cheeks are leaving! As in HEALING!!!
The more I'm learning about how food affects everything in our bodies, every system, every cell, everything, the more I marvel at the way we've been created, & the way He created such perfect nourishment for us!
I've studied everything the Bible has to say about nutrition, & so am not against meat for that reason, BUT the meat in Bible times, first of all, was typically a feast (as in OCCASIONAL!) food, & most importantly, was only about 5% fat...whereas now it's 45% fat OR MORE!!! {Not to mention all the growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics pumped into them!}
...& it always amazes me that the first thing Jesus did after His resurrection was build a fire & feed His disciples fish...but now, with all the mercury found in all seafood, I know He would not want us poisoning ourselves with it!
{It must grieve Him so much seeing what's been done to His wonderful creations!}
I've never liked ANY seafood, actually, & decided a long time ago that I'd just wait for Him to offer me some at the Wedding Feast...then I'll try it...& probably like it! {Unless it's a raw vegan feast, of course! & we're back to the original diet, in God's perfect time!}
I also agree that fruits, veggies, nuts & seeds were the first food given in the garden for people to live on...& had read that it was people's rebellion that caused them to begin eating meat (which greatly shortened their lifespan) after the flood...
...but after looking it up for myself again, see that it's GOD who gave them meat to, I no longer see it as rebellion to God's original plan {to allow meat in the diet} but know that we need to use wisdom now, & pray about, & think through our choices...
...perhaps when I'm free of my health problems, & this obesity, I will incorporate free-range, organic meat etc. into my diet...something to pray about, when the time comes...
{...If I do, it would only be very occasionally, knowing that it's the over-consumption of it {& dairy} that causes many health problems!}
Actually, I have read some blogs lately of those who are raw aside from a little free-range, organic meat, dairy, eggs, & said that, after years of raw, they now feel better, stronger, healthier (& some had blood tests to prove it) with allowing a very moderate amount of these things back into their for thought...
{By the way, did you see the HUGE list of raw blogs I posted on the left side, {under "Ultimate list of Raw Blogs"...} Here's the link, in case you missed it...
// }
...perhaps that's how they were so healthy back when they ate really healthy, simple, the mediterranian diet with lotsa produce, & occasional, small amounts of meat etc., without the B12 deficiency ever being an issue...
...before that, when the earth was new, the soil was perfect, & not deficient in anything, so they were able to be perfectly healthy on only a raw diet~
After the fall, with it's consequences, perhaps the gradual decline in human lifespan ties in not only with meat consumption that was added to their diet, but also the gradual erosion of the soil & it's nutrients....?
Anyways, either way, enjoy the abundance of produce God's provided! May it be to you a tool to transform, heal, RAWstore, & envigorate you! I pray He'll lead you, one day at a time, into the very center of His will~
July 06, 2008
~Daily Little Healings~
living food,
Raw food,
raw lifestyle,
raw vegan,
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