July 08, 2008

Raspberry pickin'!

I spent about 4 hours yesterday picking raspberries, propping the bushes up, clearing the path between the two bushes, & filling bucket after bucket with they sweet yumminess! I was seeing them in my dreams! I decided to just ignore my exhaustion, my achiness, & do it anyways! Got quite a workout in, too!
I also got....drumroll, please...my PERIOD! (You can leave now, guys!) I've had many PCOS symptoms for a few years now, & especially erratic periods, but raw seems to be healing that, bringing them more frequently again, though still not often enough...(my Dr. told me that when you don't have your periods regularily, it can build up in the lining ot the uterus & leave to uterine cancer, etc. but i know God is rawstoring my body, & I'm heading in the opposite direction...& as Dr. Lorraine Day says, "Cancer doesn't scare me anymore!")
I keep forgetting to drink the vitex (herbal) tea I got for this, but I have been praying about it...God is so good! I know He can do miracles, but in certain things, I've felt His leading was that I have to do my part, (eat the way He's shown me to have my health restored) then He'll do miracles...this is one of those areas...
Off to make a raspberry smoothie, then go pick some more...can't wait until our cherries & grapes, & apricots are ready!!!

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