July 24, 2008

~The Subtlety of Cravings~

There are some cravings that come up & bonk you over the side of the head, insisting you pay attention & satiate them, & refuse to leave until you do! Usually these come with sudden changes in the diet, & withdrawal from foods/beverages with addictive properties (for example sugar & caffeine...)
...then there are those cravings that come & go, & can be ignored, postponed, distracted, but still, they continue rearing their ugly heads whenever it strikes their fancy...
...& then there are those cravings that are initiated by our surroundings...sights, smells, commercials, what we're preparing for or watching others eat...they're the ones that gently plead with you to heed their siren call of deception, promising sweet reward, longing to distracting you with carnal pleasures, in the hopes that you'll forget the consequences of previously yielding to their seductive lies.
Some handle these various cravings victoriously...just make up their mind to not yield, no matter what, & they taste victory with every bite of raw whole foods, flooding their bodies with nutrients so that their cravings gently fade away by the day~
Others handle them emotionally, sometimes resisting, sometimes giving in, depending on circumstances, feelings, physical strength or weakness, fluctuating as they gradually progress towards overcoming~
& now I know the truth, that there is no right or wrong way to transition to or become raw...there is only our way, the way that's right for us to take right now...there is only where we're currently at...
...& the real issue is not cravings & temptations, but our daily health, & whether we're building it up, maintaining, or tearing it down~
& even when we aren't doing as well as we'd hoped, there's always learning occurring, if we're paying attention as we make these daily health decisions...
...& because of that, we can extend grace to ourselves {& others, as well} as we press on, seeking victory & healing, no matter how fast or slow our progress~
The truth is, we're already way ahead of the game {& most of the population!} in our willingness to finally take responsibility for our health, & to stop blaming genetics, doctors, our upbringing, our finances, our home life, our various circumstances that will always interfere with our victory if we allow it to!
Society goes against this, family members can resist this, but when we just press on, & do what we know is right for us, our bodies, our healing, without judging others for not being there yet, eventually that loving perseverance, & the changes it brings, will inspire, motivate, & strengthen other to also finally take responsibility for learning about & changing their own health's future!
~Change only comes with a willingness to see, face, & accept the truth, & do whatever it takes to overcome the things that hinder us~
I believe the Lord has a time already planned that we're to be born, & to die...this lifestyle, to me, is not about prolonging my days, but about how I live the days I've been given... & being able to do ALL I've been created to do ALL the days of my life, & not allowing harmful health habits (& their consequences) to hinder His plan & purpose & calling for my life (any longer!)!
So imperfectly as I've been doing lately, I know I'm progressing, changing, & yes, healing, albeit slower than I would prefer, but still, no longer standing still or going backwards...
...so which direction are you going in? & are you being gentle with yourself, even as you push for change? Are you learning from everything you're doing, even if it doesn't perfectly line up with your goals & commitments yet?
That's when victory is guaranteed to arrive!!!
And THAT'S when resisting temptations, cravings, & memories of comfort foods changes, shifts, & suddenly (or eventually!) becomes less of a struggle, & more of an adventurous journey full of suprises!
May you be suprised today by your changes,
as I've been more every day by mine!


Anonymous said...

An absolutely beautiful post Anastazia! I'm always blessed by the spiritual insight the Lord has blessed you with. You are doing sooo well, I'm so proud of you my sister!
Annie FryingPan

~Anastazia~ said...

Thanks, Shanny, it blesses me so much to know that you're sharing this journey with me! I hope you'll join us for the 100 days!

Sometimes it's only as I begin writing that the Lord makes things clear....I love the way He works, teaches, does things like that!