August 08, 2008

~Daily Changing~

As my journey with raw progresses, the changes are quite amazing to me...on every level...below is my blog post from RawFu today (followed by some new comments)...
I realise that some reading my blog here are also there, & may have read it already, but I'm led to share it here as here ya go...(again?)
I started with this picture, cuz this is how I feel today...

It's soooo weird, I feel lighter, & AM lighter, but now suddenly I'm so AWARE of this excess weight I've been carrying so long!!! Almost like I'm unthawing or something, & was just numb to it, trying to press on day by day, not really facing how HARD it's been (physically!) to carry it all!!!
I was carrying at least 250 more pounds than my body is meant to!!!(Not quite so much now, but still over 200!!!)
That's a grown man & a toddler combined!!! I couldn't piggyback them around all day, how on earth have I continued to carry it all??? I have no clue! (Aren't our bodies surprisingly resilient?)
Amazingly enough, I don't even have joint problems...but that's likely cuz I'm not on my feet much!
So today, I can suddenly FEEL what I've done to myself in a way I never really have before!!! How weird is THAT? But I guess it's part of this healing journey... reminds of that dumb joke Rosanne Barr used to tell in her early days as a stand-up comedian...
"I lost 200 pounds of ugly fat....I got a divorce!"
Ok, sad, but a little funny, c'mon...
So, that was my day...
...& now, I'm thinking about ALL it's taken to finally come to the place of being ready to do this no matter what, & to face down every obstacle!
I spent some time re-reading this blog, & am amazed, actually, that I haven't given up, for how looooong it's taken me to finally start losing weight again...not to mention getting back to raw!
I was actually thinking of deleting all but the last month & a half or so, but just in case there's anything here that can help anyone, I'll leave it up for those who, like me, have taken time to come to the place of being truly ready to surrender to the power of raw!
The path has been looooong & windy, but since the first time I learned of the healing power in eating raw, whole organic foods, I KNEW it was exactly what I needed!
It's hard to change a lifetime of eating habits & all that accompanies that, but, "by George, I think I've got it!"
Have a wonderful of the month....year!!!
"One day at a time, sweet Jesus! That's all I'm asking of you!!!"


Dhrumil said...

great post!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking that same line from that song "One day at a time, sweet Jesus!" I keep telling myself.. I only have to worry about today.. tomorrow will take care of it's self..