What happened? Where DID the time go?!?!?! I kinda fell off the wagon, at first cuz i ran out produce & $, (the ends of the month are always the hardest, *sigh*) but then, once off, it's taken me awhile to fully climb back on & stay....so yup, I'm starting again today...crazy-gluin' my butt to the wagon right now!!!
Haven't weighted in yet, sinse then....shoud I go see? I don't WANT to!!! Ok, Ok, I will, just a sec...
*Gulp* Gained back a few...7, to be exact...was at 363, back up to 370...*SIGH*...well, at least it's not MORE, which I wouldn't have been too suprized by...I did eat more raw that I used to when I go off 100%, thank(s) God!
I tend towards all or nothing thinking/actions, but am learning more balance, & seeing that the more raw I eat the better I feel (duh!) even if not 100% raw, so it wasn't like previous slip-ups, where I just went right back to the SAD food I used to eat.
I have finally learned (& accepted!) that my body does NOT want meat, I can no longer properly digest it, for one thing...(rotton egg burps afterwards=not enough hydrocloric acid in the stomach to digest it, I believe) & my digestive system just shuts down afterwards, no more how much fiber I consume with it...(knowing it has no fiber) & also, I've realized that I crash & burn FASTER than I ever used to after too much sugar (which I used to be able to consume in VAST quantities, I confess!), in fact, I can predict that I'll be falling asleep within the hour after eating it, even when I'm not tired at all! SCARY! GOTTA go get those blood tests done, I know my blood sugars are outa whack!
Ok, enough of all that, I'm back, I'm raw, I'm ready to get on with it! Anybody still checkin' in on me??? Don't give up on me, please!
Soon I'll have a victorious testimony of ALL RAW has done for me, & I want you to share in the journey, & the celebrating!!!
K, I'm off to make a yummy green & berry smoothie! Who needs bananas? (Well, me, actually, but I'll make do!) Wanna join me?
May 15, 2008
Um, Hello again...(she says sheepishly...)
living food,
Raw food,
raw lifestyle,
raw vegan,
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Rawstazia, I loved your post today and your reply to my post on RFT. :) Thank you for the inspiring words. I too find that without me leaning on God, nothing gets accomplished in my life.
It's good to have raw friends to lift us up. Thanks!
I would love to join you for some yummy green smoothie, let me go get mine from the kitchen... Alright I'm back, with a smile on my face from your encouraging post and beautiful, exemplary trust in God ( and a yummy smoothie ; ).
Well, thanks once again for a wonderful post. Your life is a wonderful testimony!
Awww, thanks you guys, it's so sweet to know I do have such nice accountability, & that these things I share really are being read!
Yup, leanin' on the everlasting arms, the only way through the day!
off to make my smoothie, care to join me again, Leah?
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