Woke up today craving....are you ready for this??? OIL PULLING!!!! It's like my mouth, gums, teeth were saying, "Why did you STOP?!?!?!" So I went & found the organic cold pressed sesame oil, & am doing it now as I type...
...& after eating my big yummy salad yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about SPROUTS! Time to start growing them again!
We're working on getting the little garden patch in our new yard going, I have no clue how to do organic gardening here, & only have a little time to prepare before we need to plant!
I accidentally turned off the freezer last night, so I'm going to have to eat all my berries & frozen rhubarb today! It'll be a sweet smoothie day, for sure!
God has been so good to us lately, in so many ways! I just got hired to make a queen-sized quilt for some friends, I have no idea what I'm going to get paid, but I just got the $ to go get the supplies...because it's for friends, we have yet to discuss my commission...but I have a vision for it, & am excited to get started on it!
...& earlier, they offered to cover the costs of a trip to Vancouver for Hannah & I later on in the summer (we haven't been back sinse we moved almost 5 years ago!) so I have to have it done by then!
Ok, gotta go spit this oil out, talk to y'all tomorrow!
Keep walkin' in faith, one step at a time!
It's so georgous out, I'm aiming to get out in the sun & do some walking myself today...in faith, of course! *grin* & I hope to start using the treadmill daily now, as well! My sis is on her way for a visit, so gotta get things ready for that, too, & plan out a yummy raw menu!
May 16, 2008
~Cravings, Cravings, Cravings~
living food,
Raw food,
raw lifestyle,
raw vegan,
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what are some of the benefits you got from oil pulling? I'm thinking about doing it.
I know what you mean about craving oil pulling! My mouth has felt so neglected the few days I have over-looked it.
I would love to be able to quilt! You'll have to post pictures of it as you're making it!
Well, I gotta go. Nice to hear from you!
~~ Leah ~~
Hi, 100%...some of the benefits are my receding gums seem to be growing back, & my teeth are definately whiter! Also, I have a few BAD cavities right now & it helps STOP the pain that keeps me up at night & throbs thru the day!
Also, when my throat swells (like a cold's coming on) it stops it in it's tracks...there's some good links on it at RawFoodTalk, I'll try to post some later...
Hi, livin' on life! Yea, getting into a routine & doin' what I know to do really helps keep me feelin' better by the day...oil pulling is something I want to do daily for the rest of my life, I feel so many benefits from it...
...I finally finished the quilt, will post pics as soon as I'm able, my computer's been acting up & not co-operating with posting pics, but soon! (& my 'before' shots, as well...
...thanks for dropping by!
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