June 30, 2008

Quilting & Smoothies!!!

This is a quilt I just made for a little guy in Guatamala named Genser Rolando, our homeschool group sponsors him...please keep him in your prayers, his family's going through many hard times...it was delivered to him in person from some local missionaries....
{...that's my Hannah, holding it up, standing on a table!}
I'm drinking an amazing smoothie right now, it's ALL I want!!! & soooo satisfying!!!!
It's a whole organic honeydew melon, 2 mangoes, 2 bananas, a handful of kale, & a wee bit'o'cinnamon! OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day by day, I'm beginning to crave the good stuff again, and not so much the other stuff...& am getting stronger in resisting the bad cravings....{thank-you, Lord!}
Have a RAWSOME week!
Oh, yea, one more thing, I'm off to our church picnic tomorrow, please pray for me to be strong & stay raw, I begin the 30 days 100% raw challenge with RFT tomorrow, http://www.rawfoodtalk.com/index.html & I'm determined to STAY 100% & keep my commitment!!!
{Even if it means not going! But I really wanna go, so please pray with me!}

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