July 01, 2008

~New Beginnings~

Today is the 1st day of the rest of my life...right? I remember my mom saying that often, in the 70's when everybody said that...only when I grew up did it really make sense...
I'm weary of going back & forth. I'm done with SAD food. DONE. I'm ready to follow through CONSISTENTLY with pursuing my goals, full steam ahead.
It feels good, RIGHT to COMMIT publicly, at RFT, to doing 30 days of 100%...I know it's what's needed to break this cycle of going back & forth between cooked & raw. It grieves me that I still do this, when I feel so much better right away when I stay raw...I'm so tired of my health being so poor, & though I know there are other contributing factors, it's time to deal with this area of my life, once & for all.
So I'm off to make a grapefruit smoothie for breakfast now...didn't go to the picnic, couldn't sleep last night, & am all stuffed up today. Then, I'm going to go clean out the cupboards, because Hannah has agreed to go 100% with me this month. Then, I'm going to go outside & pick some raspberries for the applesauce I want to make for later!
& how's your day going?
I hope you're blessed, & doing your best!

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