July 12, 2008


ANGEL, where are you??? I've been wanting to come visit your blog, see how you're doing, but can't find the link anywhere!
If you're still checkin' in here, please send me the link to your blog again! (Just had my computer re-done & can't find it now, it may've been lost!) You can send it to me at the same e-dress as before, stazia@telus.net ...
...you're in my thoughts & prayers!

Oh, & Shannon's FINALLY posting again, I know she'd enjoy visitors on her blog! (You'll love her sense of ha-ha!) AND she just became a Grandma!
The link is: http://www.butterflytrails.blogspot.com/

...& while I'm at it, here's an interesting link I just found again in my list of favorites:
( It's a free e-book you don't need to download to read, with a very interesting perspective on 911 & what occurred immediately afterwards, starts on page 1...& from what I remember, it's a very informative, well-written book! I plan on re-reading it while Hannah's at camp...when I'm not re-doing her bedroom!!! & quilting, & playing the guitar & singing without interruption...gotta keep busy or I'll go crazy missin' her!!!)

That's all for now, off to stretch on the physioball & take a hot bath & see if that helps my back some! (See post below, written a few minutes ago...)

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