July 05, 2008

~Smoothies'n'juicing & listening~

More breakfast/lunch of raspberry smoothies again today, (& a ton of fresh ones brought in so I can was, dry & freeze them, on a cookie sheet so they don't freeze to each other when I put them in a container! I think I'm goona TOTALLY EMPTY my freezer of everything else & FILL IT with these sweet favorite berries!!! & I could, actually! We have a whole fence-full length bush (2 rows of bushes, actually!) that re-fill with sweet goodness daily, if we water daily!!!
I'm feeling a definite difference with raw this time...like it's more effective, quicker than other times...I'm kinda cleaning house, (if ya know what I mean!) & am led to drink LOTS of lemon water...I'm also feeling a need to exercise more, though my sleep has been so erratic, it's hard to find the energy sometimes to do so...but just the stretching & light weight-lifting I've been doing has been very beneficial.
I spent HOURS yesterday on a blog with easily-accessed radio shows of this great host, Revvell, (who I 'met' at RFT!) interviewing those who've written RAW Books, & as I listened to the shows, I was sooooo totally encouraged, inspired, & educated!
The first one (that made me go check it out, though I've heard about it on RFT for awhile, just never took the time!) that I heard was her talking with Phillip McCluskey who's release 200 lbs in 2 years with raw foods...(he's also looking for weight-loss stories for a book he's putting together....I sooooooo wish I was ready already!)
Anyways, here's the link, go check it out, you'll be glad ya did! http://rawkinradio.com/
Maybe one day when I get my book written, I'll be interviewed by her! I feel like I know her already, after listening to her so long, & hearing her personality shining through! She's a great host, & has a really wonderful, dancing laugh!
{Another goal I've put on my list! AFTER I write my book, of course...which I've already begun, & hope to be done when I hit my goal weight!}

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