July 04, 2008

~RASPBERRY smoothie!!!~

I made the most INCREDIBLE smoothie today! You GOTTA try it!!! First, I filled my big blender more than HALF full of fresh-picked raspberries!!! Then, a big handful of garden-fresh spinich, 1 apple, & a touch of organic cinnamon! YOWZERS!!!! Go make one right now, I'll wait!
....Ok, are you back? Told ya!!!
Wow, I feel so good today, though my legs are really aching, & I'm really tired, & hoping to get to bed early~ I can feel my energy levels increasing from the increased nutrition, & from not eating unhealthy things, too, of course~
I got some carrots & have decided to start juicing again, my pastor has a TON of spinich growing, & though I know I can't have too much too many days in a row, (cuz of the high levels of oxalic acid in them, which can cause arthritic symptoms...) I'm going to be throwing that in often, as well...& I've been craving my blender applesauce, & can't wait to try it tomorrow with a bunch of raspberries!
Hannah's decided that 100% raw is a little too challenging for her, she's off for camp in a week, & doesn't know that when she returns, we WILL have a 100% kitchen!!! Everything else'll be gone! & I'll have the things needed for trying a new recipe DAILY for the week she's home until she goes to camp again, & then, we're off to see my sis & her family, & she'll be at least 75% then (her hubby's a great cook, so I'll let her have dinners cooked, as long as she has either salad or veggies & dip too, & is raw the rest of the time...
...she's starting to see that just being young & healthy won't protect her from the consequences of a SAD diet, & is already starting to experiences some of them! & she sure likes it when I'm 100%! {Says I'm a happier mom right away as soon as I go raw!}
My IBS seems to be going away again...wow! So fast this time, & I haven't even been completely 100%! (Canned chickpeas in my salad, & a tiny bit of watered down salad dressing a time or two, & a few other minor things...but I wanna be 100%, & am going to keep trying to find a raw dressing I like, & mabe try soaking/sprouting my own chick peas...)
Off to go do some stretching, & then do some sewing on my first commissioned quilt I'm making for some dear friends! (Don't know if or how much I'll be getting paid for it, but they've purchased all the supplies, & it's coming together wonderfully so far!)
Have a RAWSOME day!

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