When God healed me, instantly (well, overnight) from the inflammatory breast cancer I was diagnosed with in Nov. 2007, I was in so awe that He would choose me to pour out such an amazing miracle of healing on...I knew I'd done nothing to deserve it...I knew it was His GRACE (unmerited favor) & mercy towards me...
It was a major wake-up call to also return to eating only whole fresh REAL raw foods, (food in it's healthiest form!) though it took me a few months to fully surrender.
I knew He was showing me that He healed the cancer miraculously (I believe because it was too aggresive/advanced for raw/juicing/herbs to heal it), but if I want to be free from the obesity, the FM, the MS, & all the other things I've had going on, I needed to finally & completely & CONSISTANTLY obey Him concerning what I put in my body for fuel....& what NOT to!
There are things I've sought to understand sinse I was healed....one is when I meet or know about another woman who's had breast cancer & not been healed...especially other believers, but anyone, really...
I almost feel guilty, or like maybe they think that I think God favors me more than them, because I was healed by prayer (or, more accurately, by His power!) & they weren't....
I know that's not the truth, because I know the Bible's clear that God does not play favorites...
...yet it also says "Be it unto you according to your faith..."
& "You have not, because you ask not..."
But when I knew I had such a rare, agressive type of breast cancer (IBC) & clearly could have died, & yet had no real fear of that as I faced it, knowing I'll be with my savior whenever He chooses to bring me home (much as I want to stay & raise Hannah!) He chose to intervene...
...yet other woman have died from it who didn't yet know Him!
If I could've traded places so they would've had more time to meet Him, I would've in a moment!
It's such a mystery to me......one I'm sure I'll never understand this side of eternity...
Sinse the day I gave Him my life, I've had such a deep faith for miracles, simply because He said He's the same yesterday, today & FOREVER...
...& I've always believed it, & taken Him at His Word...
...& over the last 20 years of walking with Him, I've experienced miracle after miracle...some small, some monumentous, all soooo life-changing, helping me to be conformed to His image, as I learn to die to self daily, & allow Him to live His life through me.
Sometimes I feel like the modern-day female equivalent to Job, that the enemy has been allowed to bring repeated disasters & destruction, because he came before God & said, {as He did about Job} "She only serves you because you bless her!"
When the trials come, it takes everything I have in me to keep crying out, as Job did, "Yet though He slay me, I will trust Him!"
Knowing my life is in His hands, & that He's intervened when I could've (& would've, without His intervention!) died numerous times, how can I do anything but lay control of my own life down, & allow Him to do what He wills with me, in me, through me...?
I know He NEVER allows us to go through more than He promised to see us through!
That's a part of the reason why I want so much for others to come to saving faith in Him, because we're not meant to journey though this fallen world without His help, without resting under the shadow of His wings, enfolded in His arms, sheilded by His Father's heart that longs to pour out healing in EVERY area of our lives, if we only ask!!!
& I'm finally realizing that healing & deliverance from self is deeper & even more life-changing than a physical miracle...not that I'm where I need to be, spiritually, not that I live the crucified life 24/7....far from it....but I know that's where I'm continually drawn, & always headed...
...I know there's no other way but to die daily.
So another day has been spent...& I must ask myself if I spent it for Him, glorifying Him in my body, as we're told to, & glorifying Him in my life, shining the light He's given me, led by His Spirit in all I do...
....off to pray about the answers...
Here's the song God's been singing into my spirit all day...hope it blesses you, too...
September 05, 2008
~Healed for a Purpose~
living food,
Raw food,
raw lifestyle,
raw vegan,
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Wow! You're amazing and your story has really inspired me. Thank you for sharing of yourself on this blog.
That's so sweet...but it's GOD who's truly amazing!!!
I'm so glad I inspired you, & you're welcome!
Thanks for visiting!
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