September 06, 2008

My Sister's Keeper....

Yesterday was an absalutely wonderfully amazing day!!!
First, got woken to the doorbell early this morning, after not even 5 hours sleep, it was my friend, bringing me a big watermelon, a HUGE cauliflower, & a lovely head of lettuce! (The kind that has HUGE leaves to use the leaves as wraps!) Soooo sweet!
{She went to a Farmer's Market & thought of my raw journey.}
I had a tiny nap a few hours later, then we went out to do running around...I had a big piece of glass in my foot, which began throbbing & bleeding as the day progressed...but still, it was such a sweet day, it only barely affected me...(Hannah helped me dig it out after my bath was actually HUGE!)
I was so blessed at the food bank, too...last week I asked if I could just go through the monthly hamper while there & give back the things we're no longer eating, & was told that if I call ahead, they could prepare a healthier & ORGANIC hamper!!! (If only I'd known ages ago!) They didn't get my message in time this morning, so next time I go, that's what we'll be getting, but this time, Hannah resisted all the treats & junk food & donuts laid out everywhere! there was a little free yard sale goin' on, & I got a wonderful veggie'n'dip tray! (Almost got one from Avon for 30$, but knew my $ is better spent on produce...not to mention bills!) & a sweet cup to drink my green smoothies from.
We popped in to a little second hand store, & I found some really wonderful things for the kitchen I needed, (strainers, veggie & dip tray with a cover for taking & sharing food!) as well as some +sized clothes for me for the next sizes down that I just LOVED! Normally there's never anything my size, or if there is, it just ain't me!)
Then we went to the health food store, where I was able to get a few things I was totally out of, (& 3 georgous cantalopes for $1.49 each!) & even found my favorite smoothie on sale half price! (No time to make one this morning!) I spent a little more than I should, but am determined to sew & sell more bags etc. soon, so got it in faith our needs'll be met...
As we were headed to Superstore, we saw the Additionelle store (clothing for +sized women) & Hannah & I both thought at once about the gift card I'd just been sent for $100 to spend on clothes, after confessing at RawFu that it's part of why I haven't been going out much, or socializing {& the few things I have been wearing for years are getting too big on me...)
(SUCH an incredibly thoughtful gift from a not-so-secret RawFu pal!) so I got dropped off there while everyone else went for school supplies...
...& there was a 70% off sale!!! {I spent $99.72 cents & it would've come to $231.02!!!} I got some beautiful things, & even one georgous totally-me goal dress!!! I'll be posting pics later (finally have something nice to wear for my before shots I STILL haven't taken!) & am so excited to have something different to wear for church tomorrow! (They've seen me in the same 2 shirts for years now...)
...& I realized that, aside from having a very difficult time finding anything that fit (I'd outgrown the biggest size at Additionelle...*blush*...) I haven't put $ aside to get (or even make) clothes for myself for years cuz I was feeling like, "Why bother, nothing looks good on me anyways..." but yesterday, as I was shopping, I felt the Holy Spirit whispering to me the verses about not worrying about what we'll eat or wear, "God knows you have need of those things, but seek first the Kingdom of God, & ALL these things shall be added unto you..."
& I realized God was blessing me for putting aside my fears & concerns & just getting my focus where it belongs! (I actually used to worry about what I'd wear when I lose weight, & it hindered me from pursuing it wholeheartedly, as well as worry about how I can afford all the produce etc. it takes to do this!) So it was actually a SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE to go shopping!
& the best part of the day? When I was going through checkout a lady was there that I'd spoken to earlier in the store, & she just looked so sad & unhealthy, I felt soooooo led to bring up raw with her...
I told her of what it's done for me, & that this little shopping spree was because I'd lost almost 60 pounds & had nothing to wear...& she confessed she'd lost 35 but it had taken forever, but her friend's been telling her about green smoothies, & raw, but she was kinda afraid of it, so I got to encourage her to give it a chance, & shared some of it's benefits...she promised she'd try it, & left the store looking like a different woman...a woman with HOPE!
She called back, as she was leaving, "You're my inspiration!" & I just about started bawling right there at the checkout!! But the woman behind the till gave me the funniest look so I just smiled & saved the tears for later...
Afterwards it hit me that I don't need to wait until I reach my goal to finish writing the flyer with the best raw sites & testimonies, & my testimony, & contact info! I can do it NOW, & just update it as the pounds continue coming off, & my health continues increasing! I want to help other women shed their fat suits & re-gain their health, & I know now that anyone can do this if they understand it & want it enough!
I CAN be open about it NOW, {even though I'm still morbidly obese} whenever I'm led, {like I was today}, & I don't have to concern myself with what people might think...I know I'm a work in progress & God isn't done with me yet, & I want to always live my life to please Him, not others...I'm that way with pretty much everything else in my life, it's time to be concerning my weight & health too!
I remember, during the almost 7 years I was a new ager, reading & being taught I must put SELF above all others...please myself first...take care of me..."lookin' out for number 1"
...the difference now, knowing we're called to put God (& pleasing Him, not our self!) first, is like night & day....
...& we're told in the Bible that we ARE to put other's needs ahead of our own....{but I finally know never ahead of God, & His will...}
Even after 20 years of walking with Him, still, every day, He opens my eyes & heart more...every day, He heals something else in me that was lingering, waiting for His loving touch & healing light of truth....we ARE our brothers (& sisters!) keeper... I'm going to keep praying for the woman I met in the store, & her friend that's wanting to help her heal...will you join me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great that you had such a blessed day! The Holy Spirit moves in wonderful ways!
And your previous post, wow! Beautiful and well said!!