Had a very emotional last few daze...had a nice visit with my sis, but other family stuff was very upsetting, & I didn't stay raw while she was here, she got KFC & popcorn & other junk & I allowed myself to indulge, & now feel like I've been hit by a truck....
...my head, tooth, & back hurt badly, I'm exhausted, & just want to do a fast to get back on track as quick as possible, but don't know if I'm up to it...we'll see how the day progresses....just finished oil pulling, & it's helped my tooth settle down, but I need to get it fixed soon!
I long to get to the place where no matter what's going on in my daily life, my commitment to doing what I know I need to do to get healthy is consistant & strong! I so much want to be there, & STAY there, but I guess I'm just not there yet...but I will persevere, & will NOT throw in the towel, as they say!
Been exercising more, stretching & using my hand weights, & getting out my physioball again, haven't been walking much (but could be on my feet longer than usual the last few times I went out!) or using the treadmill yet, but am hoping today I'll get organized & do that~
I long for the way it feels to wake up rested after a full night's sleep & have energy all through the day to do all that needs to be done...right now, I wanna crawl back into bed (just got up 2 hours ago!) but there are a ton of dirty dishes waiting for me, & the landlord wants to come over & fix some things, so I guess I better get dressed & get on with the day...wanna make a smoothie, but worried it'll aggrevate my toothache, so won't...wish I had some lemons, or stuff for the master cleanse...
...keep me in your prayers, please! I need His hand on my life, guiding & restoring me...I need complete RAWstoration!!!
May 21, 2008
~Back & forth, like a see-saw~
living food,
Raw food,
raw lifestyle,
raw vegan,
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I'm praying for you! Keep doing what you know is right. Enjoy every moment for what it is, and don't worry about the moments yet to come (easier said than done, I know). Keep your eyes on Jesus, He's there for you no matter what.
Hang in there... I found your blog a month or so ago and relate to a lot of what you are going through with your weight. I'm not raw, but I'm vegan and will be doing a 30-60 day raw challenge this summer (July 1st)... I rely of food for comfort a lot... and I KNOW It is going to be VERY difficult for me to go raw..
Thanks, Leah, so much for your encouraging words...I've been a little discouraged, & frustrated with my financial limitations keeping me from being 100%...I do trust God, & He's faithful...I just sometimes get caught up in the circumstances...so thatnks for the reminder of our friend who sticks closer than a brother!
& Hi, Melody, thanks for writing...it's nice to know there are others in this iwth me, who can relate...good for you for preparing to do a raw challenge, good to give yourself time to gear up for it, too!
I'll come check out your blog in a few minutes, looking forward to seeing who you are & where you're coming from!
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